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Georgia, Andersonville, The Confederate battle flag is still proudly flown in downtown, despite the town's notorious civil war history it still insists on calling itself a Civil War village.

Source: Steve Schaefer / Getty

A Florida white man has been arrested for allegedly spitting on his Black girlfriend’s face after he refused to partake in “slave role play” during a recent sexual encounter.

According to the New York Daily News, Tampa police arrived at the home of Kenneth Atkins and Ashley Edwards after the two got into a heated argument about him not wanting to pretend to be her slave master during sex.

“Ashley stated she wanted to play slave and slaver because she is African-American and he is Caucasian,” according to the Manatee County Sheriff’s office report, adding, that “Kenneth did not wish to partake and became verbally aggressive.”

As the fight escalated, Atkins “spat in Ashley’s face,” a police report stated. 

While Atkins, who has a criminal history including theft, told police that their argument did not get physical, police arrested him anyway and charged him with misdemeanor battery.

Edwards refused to give a statement to police about the incident, citing that she didn’t want for Atkins to be arrested.

Atkins was released from jail shortly after being arrested for the August 6 fight, but will be arraigned in court on September 8.

So what exactly is “race play” or “slave role play” when it comes to the bedroom?

Apparently, it’s a part of a culture of BDSM where partners of different races, in this case Black and white, use racial stereotypes or the history of racism in this country to play out sexual fantasies. The type of role play fetish Edward’s wanted to partake in with her boyfriend used slavery as an entry point to play out those fantasies. So to be aroused this could look like a range of things including being sold on an auction block, being whipped, told to go pick cotton, fake rape scenario and even being called racial epithets like the n-word while having sex.

Look…while everyone is into their own kinks and shouldn’t be judged, for many African-Americans, especially living in Trump’s America, the thought of wanting a white man to demean you this way and to be sexually turned on by it, is a bridge too far.

Here’s what some folks on Twitter had to say:














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