Hellobeautiful Featured Video
Joe Biden Sworn In As 46th President Of The United States At U.S. Capitol Inauguration Ceremony

Source: Drew Angerer / Getty

The day is finally here! We are ready to end this 4-year nightmare with a new wave of productive energy. In honor of our first African American and Asian American Vice President, ladies are showing their solidarity with Kamala Harris by throwing on their pearls and chucks.

As you may know, our Vice President is a proud Alpha Kappa Alpha, so pearls are a major part of her sorority lineage. She’s also been spotted in well-tailored suits, a voluptuous doobie, and a pair of Converse. The look, although simple, speaks to the laid back, casual, down-to-earth, efficient vibes that Harris exudes. As a result, Black women have pulled out their 20 pearls and Chuck Taylors to show their support for our Vice President.

This is a historical, monumental, memorable day for Black women, and women of color everywhere. From the days of advocating for voter’s rights, to becoming the first African American Vice President in United States history, we are proud to witness this day in our history.

It is beautiful to watch Black women from all over the United States show off their chucks and pearls. As we lift up our Vice President today, we also want to highlight the ladies who are showing their support. Check out all the fly girls out there proudly wearing their pearls and Converse.

1. NCee Photography

I had to kick off this round up of women with this young, future leader. How adorable is this baby in her pearls?

2. Educated Stylist

Stylist Cyndi Renee says, “It is a new day in history and I’m proud to be part of it.”

3. Keke Nichole

Keke agrees with Kamala Harris when she said, “I’m here today because of the women who came before me.” 

4. Bri Hunter

Bri Hunter Source:Bri Hunter

Bri Hunter reflected on today’s events. “Today was momentous and it felt only right to represent our brand new VP and the joy of her many firsts with an outfit similar to what she wore on the campaign trail. A blazer, jeans and Chucks. But I also wanted to honor the women who laid it all on the line long before it was safe for them to do so, hence the t-shirt (Ida, Maya, Fannie Lou, Harriet and Sojourner). The pearls represented class being brought back to the highest office in the land. Please note I am not an AKA (or any other greek) but, HUGE shout out to them. It is a great day for them and HBCUS.”

5. Rev Dr. Irie

Dr. Ire said, “When women show up for one another, we change the world.”

6. Chicago Century Club

Lindsay Vahl repped for Howard and Kamala in her HBCU sweatshirt, blue chucks, and pearls.

7. Mom Wife Boss

Chauvon Landry and her crew got dressed in their pink chucks and white pearls. “Today my daughters and I are reminded once again that ANYTHING & EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE,” she says. 

8. Ms Robin P

Robin says, “I am so proud to know that women are here today, “…for such a time is this!”

9. Maui Bigelow

HelloBeautiful staff writer Maui Bigelow said, “I’m rocking my chucks and pearls today to celebrate the beauty, brilliance and resilience of black women. We are up from great trauma, hardships and heartache; our rise is a testimony to our commitment to show up and show out in every moment despite being scared. The world isn’t changing for us but we are changing the world.”

10. Sandra Denise

Sandra gave us a casual slay in her red chucks and pearl necklace.

11. AnnGee

In a caption AnnGee wrote, “The glass ceiling has been BROKEN…The invisible barrier that has prevented minorities (and women in particular) from reaching the upper rungs of the corporate ladder in their field of work, has been shattered!

Today we witnessed HerSTORY in the making, the swearing in of the USA’s 1st ever female Vice President, what a momentous occasion!

My HEART ❤️ is full, my heart is full! 😊

The metaphor, “glass ceiling” was coined by feminist. This metaphor also describes the extra(ness) —[haha, that’s not a word, I know. Haha…]—that women undergo in trying to advance within the areas of their careers.

Thank you so much President @joebiden for selecting Vice President @kamalaharris as your running mate, thus making it possible for her to break that darn glass ceiling.

Sometimes all people need are opportunities in life, don’t you agree?”

12. Mood Shine Mine

Blogger Tyann wrote, “Today the dreams of our daughters felt a little bit closer to reality. Those little brown girls who dream of becoming president or vice president got to witness history.

Check out that #vpstyle babies! That’s you future!

For 2024’s iteration of MadameNoire and HelloBeautiful’s annual series Women to Know, we knew we wanted to celebrate the people who help make the joys of film and television possible. To create art is to create magic. This year, we spotlight Hollywood Executive’s changing the face of cinema.