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Michelle Obama visits UK

Source: Yui Mok – PA Images / Getty

We’re not sure what was going on TMZ on Tuesday, but the popular salacious gossip site showed its entire a** when it came for and lied on Former First Lady Michelle Obama.

See, TMZ tried to make it seem that while the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral was burning down in Paris, Mrs. Obama was unconcerned, merely sipping champagne on a yacht.

Take a look:

When in reality, the blaze started at 6:30pm, after our #ForeverFLOTUS had boarded the boat to have dinner with a group of people. And when they learned of the tragic blaze, Michelle and others were visibly concerned and saddened.

As the Daily Mail noted, soon after, Mrs. Obama “took to social media to say her ‘heart aches with the people of France.'” She also shared an old photo on Instagram of herself, her husband former President Barack Obama and their two daughters lighting candles in the cathedral.

Funny how TMZ forgot to lead with that.

‘I will never forget the first time I walked into the Notre Dame Cathedral. I was a teenager on a school trip to Paris. It was my very first international trip, and until then, I hadn’t seen much outside of the South Side neighborhood I grew up in,’ she wrote on the ‘Gram on Tuesday as she was visiting the City of Lights for a stop on her European Becoming book tour.

Adding, ‘But the majesty of Notre Dame – the history, the artistry, the spirituality – took my breath away. The feeling was almost indescribable – a place that lifts you to a higher understanding of who we are and who we can be. Every time I’ve visited in the years since, including as First Lady, I felt the same thing.

‘So being here in Paris tonight, my heart aches with the people of France. Yet I know that the Notre Dame I experienced all those years ago, as so many others have over the centuries, will soon awe us again.’


We’d still like to know what exactly TMZ was trying to do and what were they expecting for the Former First Lady to do about the fire? Was she supposed to put on a cap and fly over there and put it out herself? That, and what about all the other white people getting LIT?

Better yet, WHERE WAS MELANIA? But of course the expectation is for Black woman to run in and save the world from itself at every turn.

While, TMZ later changed the headline and retweeted a different version of that story, the damage had already been done. Black Twitter was not here for this slander on our Queen:


















For 2024’s iteration of MadameNoire and HelloBeautiful’s annual series Women to Know, we knew we wanted to celebrate the people who help make the joys of film and television possible. To create art is to create magic. This year, we spotlight Hollywood Executive’s changing the face of cinema.