
We are here for Vivica - who has had her share of past public relationships - unapologetically putting it out there and looking for her potential boo. Dating can be difficult no matter who you are, how young you may be, or how fly your swagger is. Speak it into existence, Sis!

Black love is to be applauded whenever we see it. We should be happy to see Simone enjoying a relationship that she is happy in.

For the sistas' that spent this romantic holiday alone, I wanna know, "Did you die and are you the reason you're unlucky in love?"

FLOTUS & POTUS are our ultimate relationship goals - here's why.

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On the third anniversary of Colin Kaepernick first taking a knee on the football field and with Jay-Z’s recent partnership with the NFL (despite the fact that Kap is still without a job), it’s important to point out that Kap’s partner Nessa ALWAYS HAS HIS BACK. Most recently, the popular radio host went to bat […]


As much as we love our girlfriends, we can’t deny that sometimes they can get in the way of our relationship goals. We’re not talking about the girls who tell us things we don’t want to hear — like the man we’re checking for ain’t sh-t — we’re talking about those friends who want you […]


The Friend Zone is a place no one wants to be in. But have you ever put someone in the friend zone by accident? Or perhaps regretted friend-zoning someone who actually might’ve made a great partner? In this week’s episode of Listen to Black Women, we’re talking about the criteria women use when deciding whether […]

There are very few double standards that benefit women, but cheating is most certainly one of them. While men are read for filth whenever they step outside of their relationship or marriage, women often get nothing more than a proverbial slap on the wrist — if that — when they tip toe into someone else’s […]

Threesomes are a touchy topic. *Pun intended* The decision to have one with your significant other can be scary or burdensome when you think about all the uncontrollable variables of what could happen after you let someone else into your bedroom. The thought of someone else pleasing your mate can bring unbearable pressure and trigger […]