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There’s so much talk about how to avoid getting sick. It’s not just about taking vitamins and bundling up. Check out some of the weirder ways to keep your cold symptoms under wraps. (From Shine)

Walk fast. New research has shown that walking briskly will help keep a cold at bay by increasing your immunity. But don’t run (you’ll get sick if you overexert yourself), and if you have anything more than the sniffles, you best stay in bed.

Don’t blow. When your nose is all stuffed up, blowing both nostrils at the same time can propel mucus up into your sinuses, which could possibly cause further infection. Um, yecch. Instead, take decongestants or blow one nostril at a time.

Take a sauna. Research shows that the warm, moist air somehow gives your bod the same detoxifying benefits that drinking lots of liquids does when you’re sick, ushering the cold right out the door.


Have a hot fruit drink. A fruit cordial, to be specific. Drinking a hot cup of apple and black currant juice has been found to relieve symptoms such as sniffling, coughing, sore throat, and runny nose. Scientists are researching whether other hot drinks are as effective.

Eat peppers. Chow some red bell peppers, high-in-vitamin-C superfoods that are believed to reduce the length and intensity of cold and flu symptoms. Other immunity-boosting foods: yogurt, tumeric, garlic, oregano, green tea, and pumpkins.

And of course, Sleep. Just make sure it’s for more than seven hours a day–research has shown that people who get less zzzs than that are three times as likely to get a cold.

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