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The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards

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Ever since Lizzo first stepped onto the scene, our good sis has exuded nothing but positive energy and confidence. But, in spite of all the joy she brings to her fans, she’s still been the target of mean messages, hateful comments, and overall bullying on social media mainly due to her appearance, confidence, and bold personality. While she normally appears to brush the haters off, today, the singer took to Instagram Live to show us her more vulnerable side, having an “honest moment” with fans, and finally addressing the unfair treatment she’s endured over her the course of her career, which has seemingly escalated in the days after she and Cardi B released the music video for their new song, “Rumors.”

Fighting back tears, the 33-year-old gave us her most raw self and sat in her bathroom in a zip-up hoodie, face full of glam and wig cap, and opened her Instagram Live to explain how the hateful messages have made her feel. “On the days I feel I should be the happiest… I feel so down,” she explained. “Like, I hurt so hard.”

She then went on to share how hard she’s been working to “put so much love and energy into the world,” but instead of being met with that same energy in return, she’s being met with negativity and hate. “Sometimes I feel like the world just don’t love me back,” she told her IG Live viewers. “It’s like it doesn’t matter how much positive energy you put into the world, you’ll still have people who’ll have something mean to say about you.”

“For the most part it doesn’t hurt my feelings, I don’t care,” she continued. “I just think that when I’m working this hard my tolerance gets lower. My patience gets lower. I’m more sensitive. And it gets to me.” And while she didn’t get into the details of what the hateful messages were, she alluded to the fact that they seem to all be focused on her appearance and the “Rumors” music video.  “People saying s*** about me that just doesn’t even make sense,” the star shared while dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “It’s fat-phobic, and it’s racist and it’s hurtful. If you don’t like my music, cool. If you don’t like ‘Rumors’ the song, cool. But a lot of people don’t like me because of the way I look… ”

The nearly 13-minute IG Live continued with the Grammy Award winner speaking directly to the “people that always have something negative to say,” telling them that they’ll be the ones “catching up.” She continued, “I strive for joy every single day… but on the way to joy you get sadness, you get exhaustion, you get anger, you get annoyed, you get tired and insecure. On the road to joy there’s all these pitstops, and right now I’m just over it,” she continued, taking a deep breath. “I’m over it.”

“I’m only going to focus on positive comments from here on out. I don’t have time for your negativity, your internalized self-hatred that you protect onto me with your racism and your fat phobia. I don’t have time for it. Anyways, I’m going to continue to be me. I’m going to be continue to be a bad b*tch… ”

She then spoke on behalf of Black women, specifically big Black women, and the abuse we are often subjected to. “What I won’t accept is y’all doing this to Black women over and over and over again — especially us big Black girls,” she said. “When we don’t fit into the box you want to put us in, you just unleash hatred on us. It’s not cool. I’m doing this s*** for the big Black women of the future who just want to live their lives without being scrutinized or put into boxes. I’m not going to do what y’all want me to do ever, so get used to it.”

At the end of the Live, the “Truth Hurts” singer assured her fans that in spite of everything, she’s “OK,” and signed off by saying, “f*** the haters… haters gonna do what they do. They don’t know I do it for the mother****ing culture.”

Watch the full IG Live below.

Viewers of the Live seemed to show the singer an abundance of support, leaving comments like “Body shaming and judging is corny,” and “She minds her business and people try to tear her down it’s really sad.” She also received support from fellow entertainers, Chloe Bailey and Cardi B, who took to Twitter to tweet their words of encouragement to the singer. “When you stand up for yourself they claim your problematic & sensitive. When you don’t they tear you apart until you crying like this,” Cardi B tweeted. “Whether you skinny,big,plastic, they going to always try to put their insecurities on you.Remember these are nerds looking at the popular table.”

While Chloe said, “i’m so proud of you @lizzo people are gonna talk, but you have power in your voice. thank you for inspiring me.”  

We love to see the girls supporting each other!

And prior to hopping on IG live, Lizzo took to Twitter to tweet an inspiring message of her own, writing “Loving yourself in a world that don’t love u back takes an incredible amount of self awareness & a bullshit detector that can see through a** backwards societal standards… if u managed to love yourself today I’m proud of u. If u haven’t, I’m still proud of u. This sh*ts hard.”

Body shaming is never cool and I’m so proud of Lizzo for standing up to haters, being vulnerable, and living in her truth. That takes strength, confidence, and power and I love to see her, a beautiful Black woman, living it in! We salute you, Lizzo!

Don’t miss… 

Lizzo And Cardi B Are ‘The Muses’ In Hercules Inspired ‘Rumors’ Video

Lizzo Debuts A New Haircut And She Is NOT Impressed With It


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