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Plus size women in lingerie standing together holding hands

Source: Luis Alvarez / Getty

There’s no denying that emotions are high and things are tense in the world. With media coverage shifting to the protests and riots due to the murder of George Floyd, it’s all a painful reminder of how deep racism runs in this country. And with so many people of other races showing their support, we’re seeing that racism does not only come from the white community, it lives in other races.

Plus size model and lingerie owner Chantelle Tyler magnified the anger spread across Twitter over the past couple of days. As horrendous tweets detailing her views on colorism, rape and light skin vs dark skin debate came to light, many Twitter users realized that the young woman they once supported is nothing more than a poser, who has used our support to get ahead in the industry. Here are the tweets.

As a Black woman, I share the experience with others who have been ostracized and taunted for their Black skin. Often hearing the term you’re beautiful for a “dark skin girl” has been my normal for quite some time. And while many times it would be men that would share those disgusting remarks, every once in awhile a light skin woman would express those same sentiments. And while many light skin Black women claim to align themselves with us, this just shows me how false that notion could be.

While Chantelle “apologized” for her past tweets, in my eyes, it will never be enough. If you’re a fan or follower of this woman, you know that she’s spoken out about racism and bullying. So, to see that there are tweets dated from 2017 that express such resentment and disrespect for Black woman, how can one truly change their views so suddenly. If you ask me, she’s simply apologizing because she got caught.

I’m completely over influencers and celebrities being exposed for their prejudices against Black people, then using the card of how much they’ve changed or try to get empathy through a bogus apology.

She claims that she knew the tweets would reemerge, so why would you wait to be exposed instead of owning up to what you’ve said? In my opinion, this action alone makes her apology. Even so, it makes me feel that she’s just doing the typical apology tour via social media to preserve her brand.

All of this leads me to ask a few questions—why does it seem that hating dark skin women is a twisted rite of passage for folks? What is it about Black women that makes you spew such disgusting thoughts on social media? Why is it ok to blame your colorist remarks and hateful rhetoric on your youth?

There’s no denying that people can grow, but how can one take “growth” seriously when she’s been documented not to long ago speaking out against Black women. Not to mention, she built her following on Black Twitter, making this a total slap to the face.

I’m not surprised. It seems society has short-term memory. I’m sure she thinks that this will blow over soon, but with Black women as her main supporters, it’s only a matter of time before her influencer status becomes irrelevant. And with calls to FashionNova to drop her as an ambassador, that time may be here sooner than we think.

There’s no denying that this won’t be the last time that someone with some form of clout gets exposed for spewing colorist views. The question is, are we going to hold them accountable, or just simply take their apology for face value?In other words, it’s time to stop vouching for people who are clearly anti-Black.

What say you? Are you surprised by Chantelle’s views? Let’s discuss in the comment section below.


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