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School girl bullies another girl

Source: GeorgiaCourt / Getty

Parents of a Brooklyn first-grader schooler, who was bullied and beat to the point where he was urinating blood, are blasting the school for not being proactive.

According to the New York Daily News, as a result, the family the 6-year-old student, Timir Berkley-Baylor, is suing the city after the child was repeatedly kicked in his private parts by his Public School 178 classmates being “Bang C–k! Thailand!”

“My son said the kids in his class have been kicking him in his peanuts and they almost fell off,” Sharene Savoy told the newspaper.

Apparently, the next day Savoy went to the school to discuss what happened to her child and sadly, he was kicked again.

“The principal said he would get the parents of the two boys into the school for mediation,” said Savoy. “That same day the boys kicked him again.”

After taking him to the hospital and noticing he was peeing blood, local doctors diagnosed him with microscopic hematuria, the Daily News noted.

Savoy expressed her anger with school teachers taking the horrific incident do lightly.

“I was horrified to hear that they were talking about this so lightly,” she stressed.

Savoy claims that she contacted the police, and one of the family’s parents attended a meeting, but her son is still suffering.

“My son is traumatized, he doesn’t want to be by himself, everyone at the school took this as a joke,” she said.

In the meantime, Savoy is suing the Department of Education for $5.5 million.


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