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On April 26, Bill Cosby was convicted on all three counts of aggravated indecent assault for drugging defendant Andrea Constand before he sexually assaulted her at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004. Each count could result in a possible ten-year sentence, which means the television icon is facing up to 30 years in jail. Cosby has reportedly been sexually assaulting women for over 30 years so many believe this is long overdue.

Now, his wife Camille Cosby, 74, is speaking out for the fist time, comparing her husband’s case to slavery and a lynching.

RELATED: Full Coverage Of Bill Cosby’s Retrial For Sexual Assault

Camille Cosby’s three-page online statement begins by referencing the constitution with, “We the people,” but who were those people in 1787? Dr. Howard Zinn, the renowned, honest historian, states in his best-selling book, A People’s History of the United States,”The majority of the 55 men who framed the Constitution were men of wealth in land, slaves, manufacturing or shipping.’ Clearly, most people were not included in that original draft of the Constitution; no women, Native Americans, poor white men; and, absolutely, no enslaved Africans.”

“Now enters an American citizen, Bill Cosby. The overall media, with their frenzied, relentless demonization of him and unquestioning acceptance of accusers’ allegations without any attendant proof, have superseded the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which guarantee due process and equal protection, and thereby eliminated the possibility of a fair trial and unbiased jury,” Cosby continued.  So Camille is comparing her husband — who even admitted to giving women Quaaludes—to a slave who doesn’t have rights?

But she doesn’t stop there. She also invoked Emmett Till’s name, saying, “Since when are all accusers truthful? History disproves that…for example, Emmett Till’s accuser immediately comes to mind. In 1955, she testified before a jury of white men in a Mississippi courtroom that a 14-year-old African-American boy had sexually assaulted her, only to later admit several decades later in 2008 that her testimony was false.” She added, “In the case of Bill Cosby, unproven accusations evolved into lynch mobs.”

In case you don’t know, Till was a 14-year-old accused of whistling at a white woman in Mississippi in 1955. The child was murdered, his body and face mutilated. The white woman in the case later admitted she fabricated the entire story. The white men who murdered Till were never indicted. There is no comparison to an innocent 14-year-old who was lynched, as Cosby is an 80-year-old who has been accused of sexual assault for three decades.

It must be hard to accept your husband is a rapist, but these comparisons are not logical. Camille Cosby is currently being destroyed on Twitter:

From R. Kelly to Cosby, everyone needs to stop with the slavery and lynching comparisons.

You can read Camille Cosby’s full statement here.



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Camille Cosby Receives Epic Backlash For Comparing Her Husband’s Conviction To Emmett Till And Slavery  was originally published on

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