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Supreme Court

Source: Bill Clark / Getty

Rep. Steve King of Iowa is pushing an unconstitutional bill that would prohibit women from receiving an abortion at the first detection of a fetal heartbeat.

If you’re unaware, a fetus’ heartbeat is detected at about six weeks, a point where most women are unaware that they’re pregnant. The House is scheduled to discuss the bill during a session next week and  many are outraged over King’s constant focusing on policing women and their reproductive choices.

In January King began touting the bill, known as the ” H.R. 490, the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017,” modeling it after a bill that Ohio governor John Kascich struck down last December.

In the past, similar previous legislation introduced by states which abortions at 6 weeks have been notoriously unsuccessful.  Many predict that King’s bill will end up on the House floor, largely because of Roe vs. Wade which renders King’s proposed legislation unconstitutional due to certain protections under Wade.

But King and his constituents are hopeful that a Trump appointed Supreme Court Justice will help turn the tide by overturning the Roe vs. Wade decision, which would allow a legal opening for their bill to pass.

“By the time we march this thing down to the Supreme Court, the faces on the bench will be different—we just don’t know how much different, but I’m optimistic,” King said in a January interview with reporters.

Their deliberation would mark the first time federal lawmakers have tried to introduce such legislation, Newsweek reports.

If you need a refresher on King, he’s also the same congressman who proposed the legislation to block the Harriet Tubman bill and who once tweeted, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” which pushes a nativist agenda.

Sounds right up the ally as someone who wants to “Make America Great Again.”

SOURCE: Newsweek, CNN


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