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A simple meal can go a long way toward healing the racial divide, according to two senators.

CNN reports that Sens. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who is Black, and James Lankford (R-Okla.), who is White, are promoting what they call “Solution Sundays.” The idea is to invite a family of a different race home for Sunday dinner, and people will discover how much they have in common.

From CNN:

The light bulb went off for the lawmakers in 2015 after violent confrontations across the country between African Americans and law enforcement officers.

 “There seemed to be this dichotomy that was growing which you can either be for the police or what was happening in the Black community, but you couldn’t be both,” Lankford said. “And our response was no, you can be.”

 Lankford explained that he started asking people in Oklahoma and in Washington whether they had ever had someone of another race in their homes for dinner. “Very few people could answer yes,” he said.

 Scott said he had a similar experience, and realized that this personal disconnect between races is a huge part of the problem.

 “For me, it’s hard to hate what you know,” Scott said. “And it’s just so simple. It’s hard to hate what you know.”


The South Carolina senator told the outlet that he has received positive feedback from folks in his state who gave it a try.

He added: “It’s surprising how many people come back and say, ‘They’re just like me.’ What did you expect? It’s one of the reasons why people are comfortable with people like themselves. What they don’t realize is that we’re all about the same.



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Senators Promote Racial Healing By Having Sunday Dinner With Another Race  was originally published on

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