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Charles Blow is a national treasure.

The New York Times columnist has made it abundantly clear to everyone that he has zero time for any of the Trump B.S. — he doesn’t want it from the president, from his administration or from his supporters. And he is going to let his detractors know every single, solitary chance he gets– something I love him for.

I present these receipts to you:

If there is any time leftover in his busy day of writing incredible pieces for one of the most respected media outlets of all time, schooling the ignorant, appearing on panels and giving lectures, he spends it on his Twitter page for our visual and intellectual enjoyment.

On Thursday, however, his level of “IDGAF” hit an all-time peak level, when he appeared on Don Lemon’s show on CNN. While Blow was minding his own damn business, conservative Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany decided she was going to (try) to make a point at his expense, all while touching his arm in the most passive aggressive “I’m really a nice person” fake shit way EVER.

In the clip, she says to Lemon, “you’re always very kind to me and I’m here a lot; you give me a lot of time and are fair to me.” She then turns to Blow and says “some of my leftist counterparts are very unfair to Trump. I think any time there is any sort of vagueness or lapse in facts, when there’s leaks for instance, they insert sinister suspicion where it does not belong.”

And she did it all while invading his personal space. That was when it became clear that Blow was done.

“Don’t do that,” he said. “Don’t touch me and say that’s your ‘sinister motivations.’ That’s not going to happen tonight.”

Shocked that he wasn’t here for her, she said she would “gladly” scoot away from him, to which he replied, “You can scoot until you fall off that ledge. What I’m telling you is don’t touch me and while you’re saying I’m sinister.”

From there, she tried to pull out the “we’re all Americans” card.

“You are about to turn it from a civil conversation into me telling you …  that is a very personal attack to say I don’t believe I’m an American. Don’t do that,” he replied, reiterating that she is not to touch him.

Shortly afterward, he tweeted this:

If that’s not the most “drop the mic” moment of all time, I don’t know what is. Don’t ever come for him unless he sends for you.

See the whole clip here:


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