Hellobeautiful Featured Video
African American family in the kitchen.

Source: skynesher / Getty

Family is everything. Whether it’s your immediate family, extended family, or friends you’ve turned into family, there’s nothing better than having a close-knit bond with the ones you love. Because family is so important, it goes without saying they should always be at the top of your list of life’s priorities.

Make sure your family knows just how much you appreciate them…daily. Not sure how to do that? Use this self-check guide with practical tips to help you keep your family first.

1. Leave work at a set time everyday

Try to stick to a set schedule every day and develop a routine that works for your family’s needs. This will allow you to spend quality time with your family during the week and have enough time to sit down for dinner, help your kids with homework, create new memories with your loved ones, spend time reading and more.

2. Disconnect

When you’re at home with your family, try to not check your email, texts, social media, etc. After all, the most important people in your life are right there in the room with you and deserve your undivided attention – at least for the moment.

3. Take vacations

A family vacation is the perfect way to make new memories with the ones you love. Whether it’s a quick road trip, a weekend getaway or a week-long vacation overseas, make some time throughout the year to escape with the family and create memories that’ll last a lifetime.

4. Plan family outings

If a vacation isn’t in your yearly budget, don’t worry; you can still plan fun, local activities that your family will enjoy. A family movie or game night is always an exciting activity and is also a really great bonding experience. What about a themed family dinner? Or even a family picnic? Seriously, everybody loves food! No matter the activity, with family, it will always be a blast.

5. Be supportive

You’d be surprised how simply being there for your loved ones makes them feel loved and appreciated. Support your family in everything they do, whether it be school activities, sporting events, or just lending a helping hand. When you give love and support, you’ll be sure to receive love and support in return.

6. Strong family ties

With family (as with anything else), there will be ups and downs, disagreements and challenges. After all, no family is perfect. But the key to keeping your family ties strong is to use that foundation of love.

Raising a family isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. By putting and keeping your loved ones first, you’ll create an unbreakable bond that will stay with your family for generations to come.

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