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Source: MANDEL NGAN / Getty

President Trump continues to shock the world with his questionable appointments of high cabinet positions.

According to the BBC News, POTUS is reshuffling the US National Security Council (NSC), downgrading the military chiefs of staff and giving a regular seat to his chief strategist and known white supremacist Steve Bannon. The order was signed on Saturday.

The National Security Council is the staff inside the White House that coordinates decision-making by the president on such matters, in coordination with outside departments including the State Department and the Pentagon, NPR explains. And now Bannon, who was formerly the head of the Alt right-wing Breitbart News website, will join in on high-level discussions about national security.

(Translation: The folks who have decades of expertise and massive knowledge about national security will be outranked by the guy whose website boasted headlines such as “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy” and “Donald Trump Plans To Continue GOP Legacy Of Leading On Women’s, Civil Rights Against Sexist, Racist Democrats.”)

Bannon, who has been praised by the KKK in the past, may be a formal naval officer, but clearly, this type of shake-up is without precedent—which is why top security officials and politicians in both parties are blasting Trump’s decision.

Sen. John McCain, who serves as the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, told CBS News, “I am worried about the National Security Council. Who are the members of it and who are the permanent members? The appointment of Mr. Bannon is something which a radical departure from any National Security Council in history.”

McCain added: “One person who is indispensable would be the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in my view.”

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served under presidents Obama and George W. Bush, called the demotions a “big mistake.”

“I think that they both bring a perspective and judgment and experience to bear that every president, whether they like it or not, finds useful,” Gates told ABC News. And Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, who worked with Trump’s National Security Adviser during the transition, called this unprecedented move “stone cold crazy.”

And using the hasthtag #StopPresidentBannon, folks on Twitter aren’t having it either:


Bannon was an influential and driving force in the Trump campaign and is believed to be behind POTUS’ bombastic and apocalyptic inauguration speech and a majority of the president’s most controversial executive orders, including the recent ban of Syrian refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority countries. He is also the same person who last week told the media to “keep its mouth shut.”

And this is just the start of week two y’all.


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