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 Blessed! 75-Year Old Woman Survives Mid-Air Tornado Bathtub Ride

Cloudy sky with silhouetted power lines

Source: Stockbyte / Getty

Charlesetta Williams is one incredibly blessed woman. The 75-year-old recently survived a harrowing mid-air tornado ride—in her bathtub.

According to KSLA-TV, Williams and her son Rickey Williams sought refuge in her bathtub in her East Texas home after learning that a tornado was coming their way. (In case you didn’t know: Meteorologists recommend that people without basements or  underground shelter use their bathtubs, which are heavy, to use for cover, says The Washington Post.)

Unfortunately, the bathtub was no match for the tenacious storm that literally hit their house. Soon after, the tub lifted off the ground and started spinning in the air.

“I didn’t know what it is, but it started, ‘Woo, woo, woo,’” Rickey told KSLA-TV. “I can’t tell you how high we were. It just felt like someone placed us on the ground,” he added.

Seconds later, the two were on the ground roughly 20 feet apart and their house was demolished. Rickey immediately ran to his mother to see if she was OK.

“Yes, but I can’t breathe because you’re suffocating me,” Charlesetta replied.

Luckily, she walked away from the storm with just a few cuts and bruises.

“I’m blessed. “I couldn’t live through another one. I’d have a heart attack,” she said to KYTX News.

We here you!

Disgusting! Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Syrian And Muslim Refugees From Entering The U.S.


Source: MANDEL NGAN / Getty

On Friday, President Trump signed one of the most xenophobic pieces of legislature in American history—he issued an executive order indefinitely banning Syrian refugees and temporarily suspending Muslims from seven countries from entering the US. Those countries under the ban are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

According to the New York Times, the executive order suspends the entry of refugees into the United States for 120 days and directs officials to determine additional screening ”to ensure that those approved for refugee admission do not pose a threat to the security and welfare of the United States.”

Trump stressed that his ban, which may be illegal, is the best way to decrease ISIS terrorists from coming into our country.

“We don’t want them here,” Mr. Trump recently said at a recent signing ceremony at the Pentagon.

“We want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. We only want to admit those into our country who will support our country, and love deeply our people.”

But human rights activists believe that this order is unnecessary and inhumane.

“The refugees impacted by today’s decision are among the world’s most vulnerable people — women, children, and men — who are simply trying to find a safe place to live after fleeing unfathomable violence and loss,” Raymond Offensheiser, the president of Oxfam America, told The Times.

Even worse: This ban will apply to refugees who already have green cards, which actually serve as proof of an individual’s permanent legal residence in the U.S., Reuters confirmed.

Ironically, Trump’s new ban doesn’t include majority-Muslim countries Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which as Bloomberg points out are countries that he has done business with in the past, including golf courses in the United Arab Emirates and two luxury towers operating in Turkey.

The effects of this oppressive order are already being felt, The New York Times reported on Saturday, writing that airports across the nation were detaining refugees refusing to let them leave. Not to mention in reaction to Trump’s order, Iran will ban all US citizens from entering their country, says CNN.

The U.S. ban is “an obvious insult to the Islamic world and in particular to the great nation of Iran,” the statement said.

Georgia Police Chief Apologizes For Black Teen’s Lynching 76 Years Ago 


Source: Karen Bleier / Getty

Seventy-six years ago, Austin Callaway, an African-American 16-year-old, was taken from a Georgia jail and shot by a mob of white men. On Thursday, Lagrange police chief is issuing a public apology for the teen’s death.

According to CNN, Police Chief Louis Dekmar said in a statement, “I sincerely regret and denounce the role our Police Department played in Austin’s lynching, both through our action and our inaction.”

“And for that, I’m profoundly sorry. It should never have happened.”

He later told CNN that “An acknowledgment and apology is necessary to aid in healing wounds of past brutalities and injustice.”

The killing, which took place in 1940, occurred when a group of masked men stormed the jail where Callaway was being imprisoned, held the only officer on duty at gunpoint and ordered him to open the boy’s cell, the Huffington Post noted. From there, they shot the teen in the head and left his dead body on a dirt road. Officials did not investigate of attempt to find Callaway’s killers but the grand jury’s did offer this one suggestion: “Get better locks for the jail.”


Callaway’s second cousin, Glenn Dowell, said that while more work needs to be done to right the wrongs of the past, he called the apology a step in the right direction.

“Here comes Lagrange, Georgia, which has previously been kind of an oligarchy, ruled by an oligarchy in the community, changing. It has changed for the best,” Dowell said.

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