
HB: Fun! So, how has your relationship with exercise changed throughout this journey? 

CJ: Overeating, binge eating and being a food addict to the fullest were my unhealthy addictions.  Exercise has become my replacement healthy addiction.  If I miss too many days working out, I am a total beyotch.

HB: What is your favorite meal/dish? 

CJ: My favorite meal, which I don’t eat often is my father’s curry chicken, cook-up rice and roti. But my favorite good girl meal is a juicy piece of grilled salmon and asparagus.

HB: So glad you said this. People think they have to give up their favorite food when they are trying to lose weight. Not true. You just have to eat it in moderation and balance it out with healthy stuff. Or, reinvent it–which is what you do right?

CJ: Yes, I am currently developing a catering business that features kale-infused cocktails. #KaleCocktails and #WhatTheKale are hashtags I use when sharing the recipes via social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Thus far, I have catered quite a few mommy-groups, book club meetings and get togethers with my #RecipeRemixes. I am big on taking traditional items like pizza, fried chicken and event shrimp & grits and creating healthier versions. I also share many of these recipes on my website

HB: Wow, can’t wait to get my hands on that shrimp & grits recipe. Seems like you got a good grip on your health. But I’m just wondering, if you could do it all over again what would you change about your journey to where you are now?

CJ: Not to be too much of a cornball….but in the illustrious words of Faith Evans:

If I had to do it all again

I wouldn’t take away the rain

Cuz I know it made me who I am

HB: Amazing! Well clearly your rocking a new body, but tell me more about the other changes you have experienced since you’ve lost the weight?

CJ: I will never again be an emotional eater because I no longer allow my emotions to eat me.

HB: Tell me more about your book! What inspired you to write Half My Size: How I Ate To Lose 150lbs, and what makes your story different from other weight loss stories?

CJ: I grew tired of the one size fits all approaches to weight loss on television and in health magazines. As a woman of color, I know first-hand that losing weight and keeping it off takes a lot more than eating granola and going to a yoga class. I wrote Half My Size How I Ate To Lose 150lbs to provide others with the practical and affordable healthy eating strategies that changed my life. Half My Size focuses on diet, because weight loss is 85% diet and 15% exercise; healthy eating is washing the car and exercise is shining the rims.

HB: If you can leave us with one final thought what would it be?

CJ: Recognize that being fit means being healthy not only physically but emotionally and spiritually.

Caroline Jhingory is a health and wellness consultant and author of Half My Size: How I Ate To Lose 150lbs; which is available exclusively at Amazon and Amazon Kindle. Through her writing, public speaking and social media, Ms. Jhingory continually shares her journey of weight loss, fitness and nutrition.  She has provided her healthy living strategies on the Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America, the Today Show and appeared in such publications as The Huffington Post, People, Essence, and Shape magazines.  She has been an invited to conduct workshops and cooking demonstrations for numerous organizations, including Howard University Hospital, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, PNC Bank, the National Association of Women in Agriculture and the local government agencies, as well as at churches and schools across the country. You can connect with Caroline via InstagramTwitter or Facebook; she also operates an active website and blog at 

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