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5 Face Masks You Can Make With What's In Your Refrigerator (Sorry, You Can't Eat Them!)

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My fascination for makeup and skin care reached its peak when my first pimple arrived. I was devastated. Imagine this – It’s prom night, you’ve got the perfect date, an amazingly gorgeous gown, and guess who’s come to crash your party. Yep, a huge strange colored pimple positioned right on your nose. EEK! My mother will tell you it was the universe’s way of punishing me for stealing her hot red lipstick and rocking it on picture day without her permission. I blame it on not properly taking care of my skin.

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Here are the facts. When the pores of our skin get clogged, it prevents the carbon dioxide inside our body from coming out and also prevents fresh oxygen from entering the body. This causes the skin to react in a bad way. For me it was just one pimple but for some it causes massive breakouts – and not just on the skin either.

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Here is our reality. The skin care industry is a multi-billion dollar business, estimated to be worth over 43 billion dollars per year according to the many statistics that you can Google. Beauty brands spend their money, to get you to spend yours. Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t run out and buy your favorite Mario Badescu cucumber tonic mask. But I am saying you should explore ideas on creating solutions in your kitchen to manage your skin care. I mean we are in a recession right.

Check out my 5 favorite masks and how they help your enhance your naturally beautiful skin.

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