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ARIES – March 21 – April 19

This week do not jump to conclusions and over react.  Now is a good time to put extra time in nurturing the relationships that mean the most to you.  Friends and family will notice and be thankful for you.  When your plans change suddenly without your control, adjust easily without your normal theatrics.  Any and all payments made hold on to the receipts, a discrepancy is lurking in your finances.  No spending sprees right now, conserve, conserve, conserve, you will find out why later.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

Busy months coming up and it should be a choice.  Too much time has passed without any real accomplishments, let’s make some things happen.  Your money takes a nice upswing before the year ends and there is someone special headed your way.  Good money energy continues through the first few months of the New Year.  Enough whining, time to hit and get it.  Thoughts about moving become stronger by the spring; definitely consider a change in environment.  Dreams are very prophetic this week.  You will get warned of a possible disappoint and a big victory.  Do not sign anything this week that you have not thoroughly read.  Speak directly from your heart and you will persuade the right ones.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

This week put your skills to work and success will be yours.  Follow through with your unique ideas and see just what the Universe will give you for being courageous.  Way overdue time to advance in a new position or new job, the odds is far in your favor.  Careful not to allow a personal relationship get in the way of your advancement professionally.  In the coming year work on always putting your best foot forward when it counts to out shine the competition.  Be prepared for a love encounter that feels right, but may not be quite what it seems.  Be open to meet new people from varied backgrounds, there is a lot to see and learn than you realize.  Remember whatever is thrown your way, you can handle it.  No running away.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

Listen very carefully and intently this week.  You’re bound to get something wrong innocently and someone take it the wrong way.  Careful with all impulsive purchases, large or small possibility of buyer’s remorse.  Love flirting with your heart, could lead to a great love affair.  Watch out for mechanical breakdowns too this week.  Do not try to do the impossible, things are a process and take diligence and patience.  Take deep breathes before tackling personal matters with love ones.  Listen to them and express your feelings without being condescending or authoritative.

LEO July 23 – August 22

Do whatever it takes this week to bring about change in enthusiasm about work and exercise.  Too much fussing and complaining about not having what you think you should have, in due time your efforts pay off in all aspects including finding or nurturing the right love.  More change in your pockets through October, splurge a little and save most.  Dreams coming through very clear and vivid with messages.  Try meditating to get understanding or answers.  Use your King of the Jungle attitude to create more business or more business opportunities for the coming New Year.

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

Do not let emotional issues disrupt your productivity this week.  New opportunities loom for extra money and career advancement.  Put both extra effort to help others that need it, an unexpected opportunity comes about.  Find out all the details involved before you promise to do something, if you back out you risk losing a business contact/relationship that could be very useful.  Be sure to back up all files or work on the computer for the next few weeks, things may go haywire and an unannounced mechanical failure may occur.  Do not be afraid to offer assistance to those you think need it and may be too proud to ask.  You gain a favor.  Keep the door wide open for new hot romance and only half open for a past lover; he/she still has not gotten it right, but trying.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

Quit wasting so much time on things that do not matter.  Prosperity is literally yours if you put in the necessary work.  Over step anyone or anything that gets in your way to get what you want, over step within reason.  Take a long look at what is going on in your life, and the things that are not satisfying or does not seem right find solutions immediately.  Your ability to be balanced and diplomatic comes in handy with coworker’s dispute.  Do not pick sides; use your ability to bring resolve.  Lots of romance and passion from a familiar someone, happens without warning or notice.  Enjoy the moment.  New and more exciting romance awaits you, be open and ready.  Do not be taken in or bothered by those who do not understand you.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

This week more effort should go into your living environment and personal finances.  Be wary of those around you with big ideas and little to back it up, you will be in for a disappointment.  Your money issues start to lighten up in the weeks to come, break the cycle of 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.  Be patient and thorough with any love potentials, one of them could be love at first site.  If you are already involved focus more on the here and now and the good not the bad, if there is no good then get to stepping life is way too short for nonsense.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Avoid work place drama by listening and observing and not saying much.  Make immediate changes with finances in order to prevent a future financial crunch.  By mid December, money energy is stronger.  A lot of the recent stress in your personal life subsides before the upcoming holiday season.  Do not give up on romance; it is trying to find its way to you.  A planned visit by relatives maybe delayed, but they still come at some point so be prepared.  Watch out for wreck less drivers, too many people in too much of a hurry to get nowhere.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

Learn the lessons from recent disappointments and move forward.  Being discouraged must not get in the way of your heart desires.  It is so easy to do.  Do not overspend for the next month; it is time for more stability and less hand to mouth money activity.  Roll with any changes at work instead of fussing or complaining, change is always necessary and will always happen.  Someone you recently met could turn into something permanent in the romance department.  If you are already involved, lots of back and forth between him/her and family trying to keep everybody happy and not feeling neglected.  Use the fall months to plan a bigger and better 2012, the New Year is right upon us.  Time for new planning to reach higher goals.  Keep your nose out of other folks business, stop prying and asking so many questions.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Hidden issues at home begin to surface.  These issues require prompt attention and will pass quickly.  A project or job you have been waiting to hear will come calling.  Be sure to follow through with any and all emails, phone calls, letters etc.  A very passionate response to someone who questions your abilities will put their doubt to rest.  A previous partnership that did not work gets another shot.  Be clear with what you expect and what they should expect of you, this could work this time.  Work harder on yourself starter skills, this could put you way ahead of schedule.  Real love is knocking and peeping and you are not listening.  Do not be quick to turn away suitors for superficial reasons, could be a diamond in the rough.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Take note of what is expected of you at work or in a business venture.  Once you know what is expected you can exceed those requirements and it will pay off handsomely in the coming months.  Too much complaining and not being open to constructive criticism and cause a crack in potential business/work relationship.  Be able to compromise.  Pay close attention to detail to prevent a huge mistake.  Searching hard for love does not make it happen any faster than it is suppose to happen.  Stop stressing and pressuring you to find that one, it comes in time.  Relax and enjoy the hunt.  Let people be themselves and stop trying to change people.  No times to be lazy lots of money chances are floating around for the next months, find them and get all you can from them.


Mr. Psychic I just wanted to write and tell you I hate when you come on the radio.  I turn the station with the quickness whenever you come on Ricky’s show.  If the Lord wanted us to know the future he would tell us.  I also think you need to be banned from radio.   I could come on and be more interesting than you!



Hey Anti-psychics,

Initially I was not going to send this to print, but since I took time to respond I want it to be read.  Let me first say that Rickey Smiley has a great show with a great cast of folks, so even if you turn when I come on turn back when I am done.  Since you are so in tune with what the Lord wants on the radio, obviously he has not made a way for you to be on the airwaves with your “interesting” topics.  You can say what you will about me and my segment because the only switch you control is your own radio dial.  The powers that be at Radio One and on the other stations that I am on have seen it fit for me to come on the air and do what I do.  When you and your “interesting” topics get on a nationally syndicated radio show that is in 50 markets with millions of listeners, please let me know.  I just might tune in without all the negativity.  And even if I did not find you interesting, I would not spend my time or energy writing you hate mail.  You have a good week and I’ll give you a shout out the next time I am on  the Rickey Smiley Show! > :o/



JADA PINKETT SMITH – September 18, 1971

HOLLY ROBINSON PEETE – September 18, 1964

SANAA LATHAN – September 19, 1971

SOPHIA LOREN – September 20, 1934

NICOLE RICHIE – September 21, 1981

RICKI LAKE – September 21, 1968

ALFONSO RIBEIRO – September 21, 1971

LISARAYE – September 23, 1966

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN – September 23, 1949

For 2024’s iteration of MadameNoire and HelloBeautiful’s annual series Women to Know, we knew we wanted to celebrate the people who help make the joys of film and television possible. To create art is to create magic. This year, we spotlight Hollywood Executive’s changing the face of cinema.