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Between Don King letting the n-word slip at a recent Donald Trump rally to Trump himself describing Black life in America as some dismal post-apocalyptic existence that only he can fix, it’s clear that whoever is giving the Republican presidential nominee advice on how to speak to Black folks needs to be fired. STAT.

Case in point, at a “core black issues” town hall hosted by Fox News’ Sean Hannity — yes, Fox News — the reality star turned politician actually opened his mouth to say that in order to address “Black-on-Black crime,” he wants to use “stop-and-frisk” on a wider scale.


According to The Daily Beast, Trump said I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well, and you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically.”

In New York City, it was so incredible, the way it worked,” he added. 

But here’s the kicker: None of that is actually true.

Studies have shown that stop-and-frisk doesn’t actually make communities of color safer, and in 2014 a federal judge labeled it as “unconstitutional.” (The case is still in the appeal process). That and stop-and-frisk is pretty much racial profiling, which is demoralizing to African-Americans and is the opposite policy one should promote if they are trying to reach voters of color.

Just saying.

Twitter, obviously had a field day with this nonsense:

Well, at least, Trump has one supporter who believes this “policy” could work to deter crime: Known White supremacist David Duke.

Oh, and did we mention on Tuesday Trump told a North Carolina crowd, “We’re going to make our country safe again. We’re going to rebuild our inner cities because our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before,” he said. “Ever, ever, ever.

Ever, ever? Like worse than slavery and Jim Crow? Election Day cannot come soon enough.

Catch this town hall Hannity episode on Thursday night on Fox News.

SOURCE: The Daily Beast | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty, Twitter


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