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Well … Bill Cosby Drops His Lawsuit Against One Of His Accusers

Last Thursday, iconic comedian Bill Cosby dropped the remaining counts of a lawsuit he filed against one of the women accusing him of sexual assault, Reuters reported. Cosby initially claimed that accuser Andrea Constand, her mother and lawyers violated the terms of a confidential settlement in another lawsuit.

However, his dismissal came 10 days after U.S. District Judge Eduardo Robreno ruled that Cosby couldn’t sue Constand, Gianna Constand, or her attorneys for speaking to investigators about Constand’s rape accusations. While Robena did allow for Cosby to sue Constand for tweeting about the case and giving an interview with the Toronto Sun, Cosby’s lawyers later dropped those claims too. 

As HelloBeautiful previously reported, Constand, a former Temple University basketball coach, alleged that the 78-year-old drugged and assaulted her at his Pennsylvania home in 2004. While Cosby has maintained his innocence for this accusation and the other 50 assaults he’s been accused of, in 2015, Cosby was arrested, briefly detained, and criminally charged for assaulting Constand. 

The outcome of that trial has yet to be determined.

Hillary Clinton To Address Joint Black And Latino Journalist Convention

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will be taking a quick break from the campaign trail to speak at a joint convention for the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists in Washington D.C. on Friday.

According to BuzzFeed, while the format for her speech is unknown or whether she will take questions from the audience, it is known that the event will be closed to the public.

“It is notable that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has recognized the 2016 NABJ-NAHJ Convention as a vital gathering to discuss her platform and the issues impacting black and Latino communities,” said NABJ President Sarah Glover.

Sources told the news site that both groups extended an invitation to Clinton’s opponent Donald Trump to speak too, but his campaign didn’t respond.


Clinton isn’t the first presidential candidate to make an appearance at the NABJ and /or NAHJ annual’s conference: President Barack Obama, Bob Dole, and Al Gore also attended the convention when they were presidential nominees, NBC Washington News noted.

Study: Half Of Dermatologists Say They Weren’t Trained To Spot Cancer On Black Skin

One would think the act of detecting skin cancer is a pretty universal concept that every dermatologist should be able to do, regardless of the race of their patient. Sadly, a new study about racial health disparities says that’s far from the case.

According to data published in STAT, half of medically licensed dermatologists surveyed claim their medical schools did not prepare them to diagnose cancer on Black skin. Even worse? Barely one in 10 dermatology residencies include a rotation in which physicians-in-training gain specific experience treating patients with skin of color.


This is a serious problem given that African-Americans are four times more likely than Whites to be diagnosed with melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. And if our doctors, who we are supposed to trust, don’t know what to look for, by the time we are finally diagnosed, the cancer will mostly likely have advanced and spread.

This is why you need to slather on that sunscreen.

This same report also revealed other examples of medical racial disconnect including that half of those surveyed believed at least one false health myth such as Blacks can endure pain better than Whites. Sigh …

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