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Sheryl Underwood came under fire about two years ago for making disparaging comments about natural hair on The Talk. Back then, she referenced Heidi Klum saving her biracial children’s hair by saying, “Why would you save afro hair? You can’t weave in afro hair! No one walks into the hair place and says ‘Look here, what I need is curly, nappy, beady hair. That just seems n*sty’”

Following that statement, Underwood’s co-host Sara Gilbert said that she also saved her children’s hair, and Underwood responded with, “Which is probably that beautiful, long, silky stuff. That’s not what an afro is!”

Self hate much? Underwood isn’t the only Black person who unfortunately feels that way. However, she seems to have had some time to reflect on her unfortunate conditioning, and the hurtful nature of her statements, because she brought up the topic again recently, but this time in a different way.

Underwood apologized for her negative comments and even revealed her own natural hair in the process. She told the audience that she’d spent the last year going natural and decided to ditch the wig she had been wearing, and debut her own hair.

She also made a seemingly heartfelt statement expressing the error in her thinking:

I made some statements that were not only wrong but they hurt our community. Black people are very sensitive about a discussion about our hair…And to come out of the mouth of a very proud Black woman, I was wrong. And I wanted to take the time to apologize, especially in the forum where this discussion occurred…People were hurt. They were hurt that I had the platform on the number one network and that I made a big mistake on the number one network…I think that when you hide behind something that you are a coward. And I wanted to show that I was strong enough to take the truth about what people were saying and on this network and in this chair to say, I am so sorry to my people for hurting you. And I’m asking you for forgiveness and I will work hard to make it right.

Wow. That was powerful. It’s not often that people who make egregious comments of that nature reflect on why they may have been wrong, and actually apologize. I think she was sincere.

What say you?


Sheryl Underwood On ‘Unsung Hollywood,’ Journey To ‘The Talk’ [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

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