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A police officer in New Rochelle, NY was caught on video drawing his gun on a group of black teenagers having a snowball fight. An unidentified woman who filmed the incident, shows an unnamed police officer pointing his gun at the teenagers with their hands in the air, while they are kneeling on the ground. On the video you can hear the officer yelling at the group saying:

Don’t f*@$%&g move, guys!

Later, the woman gives an account on what took place on the cellphone footage remarking,

They were having a snowball fight. This group of guys was having a snowball fight and now a cop has a gun on them.

MUST READ: NYC Pays Out $3.9 Million To Family Of Police Shooting Victim Ramarley Graham

Watch the encounter below

The teens were let go and not brought into custody without incident. According to Talk of the Sound, the police are claiming they responded to a call that a person on the scene had a gun on them, but none was found. So far, the New Rochelle Police Department has not confirmed  the site’s report.


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