Hellobeautiful Featured Video

Hello darlings!

Remember this post when I mentioned how much I needed to have the one of those Barbie for Stila cans? Never have I been so attracted to such the packaging of a beauty product.

Okay, that’s a lie. A great deal of my make-up purchases have been because of the packaging of the products. Only true beauty fanatics can co-sign on that kind of addiction.

Anywhoovers–imagine the tears that fell when I found out that the Foxy Lady was sold out.

And then she reappeared. Because I was en route to Washington D.C., I had no access to my computer and used up ALL of my daytime minutes contacting my Mom and best friend in Los Angeles.

Oh wait….I think I also contacted my good friend in Atlanta too (didn’t I, K?). I needed anyone to get their hands on that Foxy girl for me.

But no one could…or so I thought.

But there is wonderful thing called Mothers, family. They pretty much ALWAYS save the day.

My Mommy managed to score me a Foxy girl can!

Does Stila’s “Foxy Doll” set live up to Brittany’s expectations? See more pictures and read her review at

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